2nd dogs are 50% off
Check in/check out is available from 6 am to 10 am and 4 pm to 545 pm Monday to Friday. Dogs will NOT be allowed to be dropped off during store hours. Please be mindful of this in your planning.
An additional daycare charge will be added if, for example, you schedule a Thursday am drop off and a Friday pm pick up
Boarding is at our home in Hosmer or at our Sparwood space as required
Both spaces operate the same
We offer a mix of open concept and kennelled boarding or rooms
In an effort to provide consistency, check in/check out on weekends and stats is currently available only from our Sparwood location. Our only pick up window is between 4 pm and 545 pm. Additional daycare charges will not be applied with the limited pick up window. Out of hour pick ups will not be accommadated and additional fees will apply.
Boarding bookings must be paid at confirmation. The invoice will be generated based on your requested times. Payments may be made with e-transfer or in store with cash, debit or credit. Transactions may be processed manually if you request a phone call. If payment is not received promptly, the booking will be cancelled and the space will not be held.
Cancellations will be credited as follows:
Credits are non-transferable
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